
Archive for the ‘Love’ Category

I have been on a journey of exploration for the past few years and have made amazing progress in my life achievements. One of those was that I have been volunteering at a distress center help line for the past year. I have enjoyed helping others in need and ever since been thinking of going back to school to get a Social Services degree. But this idea of going back to school full time has never appealed to me, or should i say it never felt right.

Years ago, i had taken Reiki classes and made a bunch of excuses why no one would come and see me for treatments that I have barely done any Reiki Treatments. While taking the Reiki training, I had grandiose ideas of taking various other methods of healing such as massage therapy and reflexology, but being stuck in a rut and job that is under-utilizing me, nothing materialized out of it.

I have just turned 37 this Sunday and my wife, for my birthday offered me a 1 hour relaxation massage at one of our local spas. I have to say that it was wonderful. It was during the massage that all of the ideas I had when taking Reiki classes, came back to me and resonated in my entire being. We, my wife and I, then went for coffee\dessert to discuss our future plans and It is there that I realized i wanted to do massage-therapy more than social work. It felt right and I have not felt this way since I did Reiki and when i started doing my Volunteering.

Now that I have realized that I want to help people in various ways, that my next step will be to start taking a part-time internet and local hands on course in Massage-Therapy at one of our local schools. I am very excited and nervous at the same time.

So this is the time that I take control of my life and start making a difference in others lives.

Man, I love my 30’s

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