
Archive for March 1st, 2007

During my first (and only) Quantum Touch course, I have learned and experienced quite a bit. Now to tell you, Quantum Touch is as straight forward a Healing style can be. The basics of QT are as simple as:

  1. Breathing: all that do meditation, yoga and other types of healing, know that breathing is your number one source of energy and power.
  2.  Intent: All that do healing work knows that intent is your number one source of efficient healing.
  3. Visualizations: And if you what something to manifest itself, like healing, you must visualize it doing so.

So What did I learn? Nothing new, just by putting all of these three together you can get an incredible outcome. There is no attunement, a couple of symbols that you learn after you pay to take the first course again, but using the new symbol (INTENT) throughout the weekend.Does QT Work, my answer is YES it does work. I went in with a 16 year Chronic Lower back problem and woke up the next Monday without the pain and still to this day.Is it worth paying 300 plus to take this, I do not believe so. For the content that you receive it should be a lot less or free….see upcoming post on Fee’s for Healing courses

I would love to hear from you


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Now Throughout your training to becoming a Reiki practitioner\master, you are told to memorize these symbols and not let anyone else, that is not of Reiki, see the symbols. Why? What would be so bad? They would not know what to do with it! Would they turn the world upside down if anyone else would know of the symbols? I think not, because the Funny thing is that all that have taken Reiki training are told, at the end of the class, that you do not have to draw the symbols exactly THE INTENT of you doing so is good enough!Now I ask myself, why go to all the trouble of learning these symbols when all I have to do is Intend on giving Energy at a distance with added power and for emotional healing, if I Intend enough this will come true and will manifest itself, would it not?From now on, I, and encourage others, will not use any sort of symbols in any of my healing sessions, I will use INTENT and INTUITION only. I do believe that I will be able to achieve a higher energy level and at the same time achieve greater concentration without thinking “Did I do that symbol properly?”

I would love and appreciate any and all comments that you may have

Have a wonderful day


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While taking a shower the other morning, I had a vision and instructions on how to do a meditation with my wife. (not to worry I often have visions and talks with my guides when I am in the shower)

Find a quiet place, where you can both relax. Include Elements into your meditation like Water (fountains), Earth (plants/soil), Fire (Candles), or whatever you need to meditate. Sitting in a Indian position, in front of each other, place your hands together (palms facing each other). With one hand (left or right) on top of your partner’s while the other hand will be on the bottom.  With this done start a combined breathing exercise (try and match your breathing). When ready, start visualizing the energy flowing throughout your body and when ready, send this energy through one hand and receive you partners energy throughthe other hand. (like making a circuit). I does not matter how you visualize the energy flowing but as long as you allow your energy to flow out from you, into your partner, and allowing your partner’s energy to flow into you.

Now with all this done, I would encourage you to start feeling the difference in the energy leaving your body and the one entering your’s. What I mean by feeling it is this:

  1. Physical sensation: Tingly, Electric, Heat (hands or all over), Smell, Taste, Listen, Feel your hartbeat, Your Partner’s hartbeat Ect……
  2. Visualizing


    sensation: What, if you feel//see any, does the energy out and in looklike, Can you see your partner’s energy Flow, Chakra’s Etc….

  3. Emotional Sensation:Can you feel an emotion that you know is not yours, sadness, happiness, desires, fear etc… (Before doing so, please tell yourself that no negative energy will be imprinted within your energy, you are just experiencing, not taking)
  4. Spiritual Sensation:What kind of visions, voices, colours, sounds, smells and tastes are you experiencing. Do not force the visions, or others, to come to realisation, just experience it.

I would do this as long as there is still energy flow between both participants, you will stop when you do no feel any flow from your partner.

Now I remind you, as of yet, I did not try this, finishing a sinus congestion, but cannot wait to try it. Will let you know how it went this weekend

And Please let me me if you tried this mediation, I would love to have your feedback 

PS: This can definitely be done in a meditation circle with more than two people.  

PS2: I was just told, by my friendly neighbourhood guide, that this technique can be used as a Healing guide as well….how cool!!

Have a great experience, I know I will


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